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Hrafnhildur Sigurðardóttir
Works: View - Gerdarsafn, Kopavogur, Iceland, 2001
Witches Teat, 2006, 150 cm in diameter, crocheted fishing line.
Tvær hliðar (Two sides) -detail
Tvær hliða (Two sides) 2000-2001
Spegill, spegill...(Mirror, mirror) - detail
Spegill, spegill...(Mirror, mirror) - closeup
Spegill, spegill... (Mirror mirror...) - detail
Spegill, spegill..-(Mirror, mirror) 2000-2001
Sloughing detail 1999
Krúsindúlla (Cutiepie) 2001
Í sárum (Sloughing) 1999
Hleber sannleikur (Naked truth) - detail
Helber sannleikur (Naked thruth) 2001
Fengur (Catch) 1999
Allir eins...(UniformD...) 2000
Allir eins... (Uniform D...) -detail
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