Hrafnhildur Sigurðardóttir

Hrafnhildur Sigurðardóttir
Naustavör 18
200 Kópavogur
Telephone: (354) 562-0051
Mobile: (354) 848-6051
Háskóli Íslands, studies towards an MPA degree.
Háskóli Íslands, Diploma in Gender Studies.
Háskóli Íslands, Diploma in Public Administration.
Háskóli Íslands, English Lit. & Creative writing. Graduated w. BA degree spring 2013.
University of Colorado at Boulder (CU), CO. USA, MFA Sculpture.
The Icelandic College of Art and Crafts, Sculpture.
Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Maine, USA, Papermaking.
Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Tennessee, USA, Shibori.
The Icelandic College of Art and Crafts, Textiles.
Solo exhibitions
Seascapes, The Icelandic Seal Center, Hvammstangi, Iceland.
Sin titulo, Start Art Gallery, Laugarvegur, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Frozen plastic, The Freezer, Nes Artist Residency, Skagaströnd, Iceland.
Time out, Project space, Can Serrat, El Bruc, Spain.
Here, LÁ Art Museum, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Nordic Award in Textiles 2005, Textilmuseet Borås, Borås, Sweden.
Welcome, Reykjavík Cultural night, outdoor sculptures.
Send greetings home, 30 day performance, Gammel Have studio, Fyn, Denmark.
Coming, Komin, Ásmundarsalur, Listasafn ASÍ, Reykjavík, Iceland.
View, Skoðun, Gerðarsafn Listasafn Kópavogs, Kópavogur, Iceland.
Solo, EFTA building, Brussels, Belgium.
Paper and Shibori, Regnboginn Gallery, Hverfisgata, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Paperworks, Artist Studio, Kulturhuset USF, Bergen, Norway.
Textile exhibition, Snegla listhús Gallery, Grettisgata 7, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Serigrafi on Silk, Snegla listhús Gallery, Grettisgata 7, Reykjavík, Iceland.19
Monoprints, Icelandic Ministry of Education, Reykavík, Iceland.
Paper Collage, Gallery 15, Skólavörðustíg, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Group exhibitions
RASK, Læsø kunsthal, Østerby, Læsø, Denmark.
NTA, Föreningen Pohjolan-Norden, Helsinki, Finland.
Wir sind Paul – Wohnen am Meer, Strandhalle Ahrenshoop, Germany.
Ud af skabet, Svends Bibliotek in Nivaagaards Malerisamling, Nivå, Denmark.
The Icelandic Textile Guild 40 years, SÍM house, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Die INSEL zwischen uns, Henneberg-Museum, Münnerstadt, Germany.
Les 20 ans de Carrefour, Parc Minier de Tellure, St. Marie Aux Mines, France.
Lige i skabet/Artists Books, Svends Bibliotek, Kunstnerhuset, Copenhagen, Denmark.
RASK-RUSL, Skagaströnd public swimming pool, Skagaströnd, Iceland.
The Icelandic Textile Guild 40 years, Brydebúð and Halldórskaffi, Vík í Mýrdal, Iceland.
The Icelandic Textile Guild 40 years, Bláa húsið, Siglufjörður, Iceland.
Þræðir sumarsins, Summer Threads, Fífilbrekka fields, Eyjafjörður, Iceland.
The 14th Triennial of Tapestry, Lodz, Poland.
RASK - Trash, Co-op galleri, Veiholmen, Norway.
Island between us, Künstlerhaus Lukas, Ahrenshoop, Germany.
Drap-Art ’12 International Recycling Art Festival Barcelona, Spain.
Textílfélgið, Korpúlfsstaðir, Reykjavík, Iceland.
December in SÍM, SÍM house, Reykajvík, Iceland.
New Aquisitions, Reykjavík Art Museum, Kjarvalsstaðir, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Art Summer in Akureyri, Textile Association, Ketilshús, Akureyri, Iceland.
Welcome, Open house, Valparaíso, Mojácar, Spánn.
Stygn – Embrodery as Architecture, Rydal Design Center, Mark kommun, Sweden.
Tag der offenen Tür, Künstlerhaus Lukas, Ahrenshoop, Germany.
Þverskurður II, Textile Association, Gamla Kaupfélaginu, Skagaströnd, Iceland.
Solitude – landslag í umróti, Gamla Kaupfélaginu, Skagaströnd, Iceland.
Distant shores – Rivages Lointains, Bank CIC East Gallery, Strasbourg, France.
Distill - Finding water, Gamla Kaupfélaginu, Skagaströnd, Iceland.
Þverskurður, Textile Association 35 years, Gerðarsafn Kópavogur, Iceland.
Drap-Art ’08 International Recycling Art Festival, Barcelona, Spain.
Solitude, Kunstlerhaus Lukas, Ahrenshoop, Germany.
The EnvironMENTAL Paradigm, Mina Dresden Gallery, San Fransisco, USA.
What does a Woman Want? Proyecto X, Clinton Park, San Fransisco, USA.
Distant Shores – Rivages Lointains, Wesserling Textile Museum, Alsace, France.
A Model Society – minority complex, assistant to Sarah Browne, Dublin, Ireland.
Twist and Shout, Art League of Bonita Springs, Bonita Springs, Florida, USA.
Distill, Urban Institute for Contemporary Art, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.
Z krosna do Krosna, Göcsej Museum, Zalaegerszeg, Ungverjaland.
Twist and Shout, Pelham Art Center, Pelham, New York, USA.
Distill, International Artist Group, La CCE Benjamin Carrion, Quito, Ecuador.
Twist and Shout, Lincoln Center, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.
Z krona do Krosna, Sariska Gallery, Presnov, Slovakia.
Streaching the Treads, Atlantic Center for the Arts, New Smyrna Beach, FL, USA.
Scythia, International Mini Textile Art Exhibition, Kherson, Úkraine.
Z krosna do Krosna, Slovak National Museum, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Fete de la Laine, La toison d’art, Crest, France.
Postcards from the Edge, Visual AIDS, Sikkema Jenkins & Co, New York, NY, USA.
Twist and Shout, Reed Whipple Cultural Center Gallery, Las Vegas,Nevada, USA.
The Icelandic Textile Group, HFF-International, Wisconsin Exposition Center, WI, USA.
The 5th edition of the Romanian Textile Arts Triennial, Bucarest, Romania.
The Icelandic Textile Group, UUCW, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
4th International Artistic Linen Cloth Biennial, Krosno Craft Museum, Krosno, Poland.
Written in Fiber, Reykjavík Town Hall, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Twist and Shout, Ohio Crafts Museum, Columbus Ohio, USA.
The Icelandic Textile Group, Art and Nature Center, Washington Island, WI, USA.
Distill, International Artist Group, Reykjanes Art Museum, Reykjanesbær, Iceland.
Textile et vegetal, Fils et Métiers, Varaignes, France.
Twist and Shout, Arts Garden, Arts Counsil of Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
Nordatlantiske Öer, Copenhagen City Hall, Denmark.
Twist and Shout, The Kelin Gallery, Florida Craftsmen Inc., St. Petersburg, FL. USA.
Northern Fibre 6, exhibition and workshop, Kerava Art Museum, Finland.
Me and Technology, Night of the Arts, Tuusula, Finland.
Project Creo, The Arts Center, St Petersburg. FL. USA (sheduled).
8th International Open, Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, IL. USA.
National Women’s Exhibition, Impact Artists Gallery, Buffalo, NY. USA.
Women Shine Through, Art Harvest, Sacramento, CA.USA.
Now That’s Funny, The Empty Space Gallery, Bakersfield, CA. USA.
Square-Carre-Cuadrado, WTA 3rd Int. Biennial, Quinta Isabel, Valencia, Venezuela.
The Icelandic Textile Guild, Small works, SÍM-gallery, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Textiles, Handverk og hönnun, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Sýsla, LÁ Art Museum, Hveragerði, Iceland.
The Icelandic Textile Group, invitation to St Marie Aux Mines, Alsace, France.
Bookart, LÁ Art Museum, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Tradition & Innovation, 2nd European Triennial, Exhibition Hall Arsenals, Riga, Latvia.
Bookart, Handverk og hönnun, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Category X, LÁ Art Museum, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Povezave – Connections 04, Gallery DLUM, Maribor, Slovenia.
Collectors, Stefnumót við safnara, Gerðuberg Community Center, Reykjvík, Iceland.
Right and wrong sides, National Museum of Art, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Ferðafuða, Icelandic artists, Kjarvalsstaðir, Reykjavík, Iceland.
The North, Spor, Rundetaarnet Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Distill, International Artist Group, Sverrissal, Hafnarborg, Hafnarfjörður, Iceland.
The North, Spor, Art and Craft Asso., Sverrisal, Hafnarborg, Hafnarfjörður, Iceland.
Art for Palestine, Borgarleikhúsið City Theater, Reyakjvík, Iceland.
Distill, International Artist Group, ARC Gallery, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Linen, Lín, Textílfélagið, Hafnarborg Art and Cultural Centre, Hafnarfirði, Iceland.
Relay, CU Art Galleries, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Books, Artist books, Boulder Public Library, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Little things, Margt smátt, Gallerí Fold, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Spark Annual Juried Show, Spark Gallery, Denver, Colordo, USA.
Colorado 2000, Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, Colorado,USA.
Icelandic Textile Guild’s 25th year, Gerðarsafn Art Museum, Kópavogur,Iceland.
Linen, The Icelandic Textile Guild, Langabúð, Djúpivogur, Iceland.
Countdown, John Sommers Gallery, UNM, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
Performance, Carson Gymnasium, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Fibonacci, Sybase, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Blue, textile exhibition, Ásmundarsalur Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Nordic Countries, Third Textile Triennalle, Tournai , Belgium.
Art Against Drugs, Krísuvíkursamtökin, Geysishús, Reykjavík, Iceland.
8 plus 40 = 48, miniature exhibition, Gallerí Fold, Reykjavík, Iceland
5th year celebration,Snegla listhús Gallery, Reykjavík, Iceland
Textile exhibition, Sparisjóðurinn bank, Garðabær, Iceland.
Icelandic Textile Guild’s 20th anniversary, Hafnarborg, Hafnarfjörður, Iceland.
The Icelandic Design Center’s Design Day, Geysishús, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Icelandic Textile Guild at Nordic Forum, Åbo, Finland.
Scarfs, Snegla listhús Gallery, Reykjavík, Iceland.
The Icelandic Church’s Art Symposium, Hallgrímskirkja, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Form Island, The Icelandic Design Association’s Design Day, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Artists of Gardabær, exhibition in Garðalundur, Garðabær, Iceland.
Textile exhibition, Hafnarborg, Cultural center of Hafnarfjörður, Iceland.
Scandinavian Prints, part of Scandinavian Craft Today, American Craft Museum, N.Y.
Artists of The Future, Kjarvalsstaðir, Reykjavík Municipal Art Museum, Iceland.
Textile exhibition, Íslenskur Húsbúnaður, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Scholarships, grants and awards
RASK, grant from Nordisk kunstråd for residency and workshop, Veiholmen, Norway.
“Island Beween Us” workshop grant. Künstlerhaus Lukas, Ahrenshoop, Germany.
Valparaíso, grant for artist residency in Valparaíso, Mojácar, Spáni.
Iaspis, grant for Do-it-Yourself Residency, Rydal Design Center, Svíþjóð.
Muggur, project grant for artist residency in Künstlerhaus Lukas, Ahrenshoop, Germany.
Neues Kunsthaus Ahrenshoop, Solitude exhibition 1st price, residency stay in Kunsthaus.
Center of Icelandic Art (KÍM), grant for exhibition in Wesserling France.
Útflutningsráð, grant for exhibition in Wesserling France.
Muggur, project grant for three month Artist-in Residence in Can Serrat, El Bruc, Spain.
Myndstef -Visual Art Copyright Association, travel and project grant for exhibits in USA.
American Scandinavian Foundation, for The Icelandic Textile Group exhibitions in USA.
Minningarsjóður Margrétar Björgólfsdóttur, catalogue for The Icelandic Textile Group.
Glitnir, exhibition catalogue for LÁ Art Museum, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Artist Endowment Grant, 6 months, Ministry of Education and Culture, Reykjavík, Iceland.
The Nordic Award in textiles, Stiftelsen fokus, Borås, Sweden.
Fondet for Dansk-Islandsk Samarbejde, residency travel grant to Gammel Have, Denmark.
Muggur, project grant for Artist-in-Residence, Gammel Have, Denmark.
Handverk og hönnun, travel grant for St. Marie Aux Mines, Alsace France.
Myndstef -Visual Art Copyright Association, project grant for The Icelandic Textile Group.
Artist Endowment Grant, 3 months, Ministry of Education and Culture, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Icelandic Ministry of Culture, travel grant to Lithuania.
Student Grant, Búnaðarbankinn bank, Reykjvavík, Iceland.
University of Colorado Fellowship, CU Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Beverly Sears Dean’s Small Grant Awards, CU Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Travel Grant, Graduate School, CU Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Non Residential Differential Tuition Fellowship, CU Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Scandinavian Art Foundation’s(Nifca), travel grant for Hordaland Art
and Cultural center, Bergen, Norway.
Travel Grant, Hordaland Community, Norway.
Haystack Scholarship, The American-Scandinavian Foundation´s
Icelandic Crafts Fund, Pamela Sanders Brement cultural fund and Thor Thors fund.
Scholarship, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Tennessee, USA.
Residencies and study trips
RASK, gestavinnustofudvöl og workshop, Læsø, Denmark.
RASK, gestavinnustofudvöl og workshop, Nes listamiðstöð, Skagaströnd, Iceland.
RASK, gestavinnustofudvöl og workshop, Veiholmen, Noregi.
Künstlerhaus Lukas, Island betwenn us project, 10 day residency, Ahrenshoop, Germany.
Valparaíso, one month residency, Mojácar, Spain.
Neues Kunsthaus Ahrenshoop, one month residency as 1st price, Ahrenshoop, Gemany.
Can Serrat, two month Artist-in Residence, El Bruc, Spain.
Northern Fibre 6 - (wo)man & technology, seminar and workshop, Tuusula, Finland.
Gammel Have, one month Artist-in Residence in Ringe, Denmark.
New York, USA, study trip.
Stockholm, Sweden, study trip.
Gilfélagið, one month residency, Akureyri, Iceland.
Nifca, four month Artist-in-residence, Hordaland Art and Cultural Center, Bergen, Norway.
Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Deer Isle, MA, USA, papermaking course.
Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Arrowmont, TN, USA, shibori course.
Works in collections
Reykjavík Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Stiftelsen Fokus, Borås, Sweden.
The Empty Space Collection, Bakersfield, California.
Women in Textiles Association, Florida, USA.
Gallery DLUM, Maribor, Slovenia
Kaupthing Bank, Reykjavík, Iceland.
VÍS, Icelandic Insurance Company, Reyakjavík, Iceland.
Sybase, Computer firm Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Vídalinskirkja, Church, Garðabær, Iceland.
Hofstaðakirkja, Church, Skagafjörður.
Vídalinskirkja, Church, Garðabær, Iceland.
Búnaðarbanki Íslands, Bank, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Þroskahjálp, Foundation of the Disabled, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Garðabær, Town council, Garðabær, Iceland.
Associations and commitees
Listskreytingasjóður ríkisins, Icelandic Gov. Public Art Fund, judging committee 2004.
Textílfélagið, The Icelandic Textile Guild, member from 1991, on the board 1993-1995,
education commitee 2000-2003,and exhibition commitee 2003-2005.
SÍM, Samband Íslenskra Myndlistarmanna, The Association of Icelandic Artists.
Member since 1991, member of the board 1993-1996.
Snegla listhús Gallery, Grettisgata 7, founder and co-owner 1991-1998.
Form Ísland, Icelandic Designers Assoc., member from 1988-1998, on the board 1992-95.
Teaching and work experience
Artistic Director, Nes Artist Residency, Skagaströnd, Iceland, 2008-
Director, The Icelandic Textile Center, Blönduós, 2007-2008.
Visiting artist/teacher, Interlochen Arts Academy, MI, USA 2006.
Curator for Icelandic Textile Group, 64°N / 21°W, UUCW, Milwaukee,USA 2006.
Curator for Distill – The Knitting of Time, Listasafn Reykjanesbæjar, 2006.
Útrás-Sally, course for textile artists, Fossagötu 4, Reykjavík 2005-2006.
Financial Supervisor, Nordic Fibre V exhibition, Icelandic Textile Guild, 2003-2004.
Curator, Sparisjóður Hafnarfjardar bank, Garðatorgi, Garðabæ 2004.
Art and textile courses, at own studio 2002.
Sculpture courses, Open Art University, Icelandic Academy of the Arts, 2001-2002.
Part time instructor, Icelandic Academy of the Arts, textile and ceramics dept. 2000-2001.
Gallery talk, Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art.
Graduate Part Time Instructor, sculpture, CU Boulder, USA 1999-2000.
Gallery talk, John Sommers Gallery, Albuquerque, NM, USA.
Assistant, for Linda Herritt , Professor at CU Boulder 1998-1999.
Japanese papermaking, The Icelandic College of Arts and Crafts, Reykjavík 1998 and 1999.
Icelandic supervisor, The Third Textile Triennale, Tournai, Belgium 1996-1997.
Japanese papermaking, teaching, Tómstundaskólinn, Grensásvegi, Reykjavík 1996.
Japanese papermaking, teaching, Grafíkfélagið, Tryggvagötu 15, Reykajavík 1995-1996.
Screen-printing, teaching, Studio "Fimma", Iðnbúð 5, Gardabær, 1988 - 1989.
Screen-printing, teaching, Association for the Elderly in Reykjavík, 1987-1988.
Publications and broadcasting newsletter
Morgunblaðið, newspaper, by Bragi Ásgeirsson, February 29th 2004.
Morgunblaðið, newspaper, by Ragna Sigurðardóttir, May 29th 2003.
Ríkisútvarpið, interview, Icelandic Broadcasting Service - Radio, May 2003.
Morgunblaðið, newspaper report, May 17th 2003.
DV, newspaper, by Ásrún Kristjánsdóttir, November 25th 2002.
Morgunblaðið, by Halldór Björn Runólfsson, July 2002.
Morgunblaðið, interview, July 5th 2002.
Morgunblaðið, newspaper report, July 6th 2002.
DV, newspaper, by Aðasteinn Ingólfsson, December 10th 2001.
Morgunblaðið, newspaper, Halldór Björn Runólfsson, November 25th 2001.
Ríkisútvarpið sjónvarp, Icelandic Broadcastin Service - television, November 2001.
Morgunblaðið, newspaper report, November 24th 2001.
Ríkisútvarpið, interview, Icelandic Broadcasting Service - radio, November 2001.
Morgunblaðið, Newspaper report, November 10th 2001.
Denver Rocky Mountain news, January 30th 2000.
Morgunblaðið newspaper, September 1999.
Morgunblaðið newspaper, November 1998.
Ríkisútvarpið Sjónvarp, IBS Television, September 1997.
Morgunblaðið newspaper, by Eiríkur Þorláksson, September 1997.
NoTele, Television station, Tournai, Belgium, Nordic Countries video interview. 1997.
Morgunblaðið newspaper by Bragi Ásgeirsson 1996.
Höklar, book printed for The Icelandic church´s Art Symposium. 1993.
Ríkisútvarpið Útvarp, Icelandic Broadcasting Service Radio, August 1992.
Morgunblaðið newspaper, by Bragi Ásgeirsson, 1992.
Stöð 2, Television, September 1990.
Ríkisútvarpið Sjónvarp, Icelandic Broadcasting Service Television, September 1990.
Morgunblaðið newspaper, by Eiríkur Þorláksson, September 1990.
Morgunblaðið newspaper, by Bragi Ásgeirsson, March 1988.
Morgunblaðið newspaper, May 1987.
Garðabær, newspaper, March 1987.